
Difficult Heritage & New Ways of Working with Public Memory

Summary Event of NeDiPa Project

Rue Archimède 17, Brussels

events Program

In May 2022, three Jewish non-governmental organizations from Poland: Zapomniane Foundation from Warsaw, FestivALT from Kraków, and Urban Memory Foundation from Wrocław launched NeDiPa: Negotiating Difficult Pasts project, thanks to the funding from the European Union (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme).

Its goal: developing a systematic approach to the difficult heritage of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe through trainings, conferences, commemorations, consultation meetings, and artistic initiatives. All of the knowledge and experience gathered during the course of the project will be made accessible to wider audiences as DIFFICULT HERITAGE REMEMBRANCE FRAMEWORK: guidelines, recommendations, toolkits and case studies for memory activists, local doers and all interested stakeholders.

As we are nearing an end NeDiPa, we want to share with the audiences in Brussels the main findings of the project. What are the specific experiences we have gathered? What did we achieve? What proved to be the most challenging? How can we combine arts, research, community work and memory activism?

We will want to also discuss policies and funding that support civil society and memory activists: we will be sharing our experiences of working with the CERV programme as well as EEA and Norway Grants. How can they be complementary? We will also hear on that aspects from policy-makers responsible for shaping them.

Come join us on 22 February 2024, 14.00-17.30 local time at the Norway House in Brussels (Rue Archimède 17), to hear from activists, artists, local community and invited policy-makers.

As the number of seats is limited, the registration is obligatory (click on the red dot on right side of the screen - "Registration!"). First come first served.

We hope to see you there!

  • Thursday

    • 14.00

      WELCOME & INTRODUCTION: EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life & EEA and Norway Grants: supporting memory activism and civil society

      • Maciej Hofman (Urban Memory Foundation / European Cultural Foundation) - Moderator
      • Dr Pascale Falek (Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Justice, Unit C2 Fundamental Rights)
      • Anna Gabriele Striethorst (Senior Sector Officer - Civil Society, Financial Mechanism Office - EEA and Norway Grants)
    • 14.20

      IS JEWISH HERITAGE DIFFICULT? Context of Central & East Europe based on the Polish example and NeDiPa Project (2022-24)

      • Dr Aleksandra Janus (Zapomniane Foundation)
    • 14.30

      PRESENTING NeDiPa PROJECT IMPACT: our journey and Difficult Heritage Remembrance Framework

      • Magda Rubenfeld Koralewska (FestivALT)
      • Agnieszka Jabłońska (Urban Memory Foundation)
    • 14.45

      NeDiPa case studies – introduction to PANEL DISCUSSION I 

    • 15.00

      PANEL DISCUSSION I: New Ways of Working with Public Memory - challenges. Working with Jewish heritage: places & people, small and large-scale sites, CEE context, local perspective, EU level

      • Dr Pascale Falek (Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Justice, Unit C2 Fundamental Rights)
      • Witold Wrzosiński (Jewish Community of Warsaw)
      • Agnieszka Jabłońska (Urban Memory Foundation)
    • 15.50

      Coffee break

    • 16.05

      WHY IS MEMORY ACTIVISM IMPORTANT? Presenting first results of the Memory Activism Report from Poland

      • Dr Aleksandra Janus (Zapomniane Foundation)
    • 16.15

      NeDiPa case studies – introduction to PANEL DISCUSSION II

    • 16.30

      PANEL DISCUSSION II: New Ways of Working with Public Memory - solutions. (Un)likely meetings: memory and community work, arts and research, civic activism and caring for neglected Jewish heritage sites. Funding and empowering civil society

      • Anna Schapiro (visual artist)
      • Anna Gabriele Striethorst (Senior Sector Officer - Civil Society, Financial Mechanism Office - EEA and Norway Grants)
      • Magda Rubenfeld Koralewska (FestivALT)
    • 17.20

      Final remarks

    • 17.30



  • The NeDiPa - Negotiating Difficult Pasts program is implemented thanks to the support of the European Union as part of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program.

WELCOME & INTRODUCTION: EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life & EEA and Norway Grants: supporting memory activism and civil society
IS JEWISH HERITAGE DIFFICULT? Context of Central & East Europe based on the Polish example and NeDiPa Project (2022-24)
PRESENTING NeDiPa PROJECT IMPACT: our journey and Difficult Heritage Remembrance Framework
NeDiPa case studies – introduction to PANEL DISCUSSION I 
PANEL DISCUSSION I: New Ways of Working with Public Memory - challenges. Working with Jewish heritage: places & people, small and large-scale sites, CEE context, local perspective, EU level
Coffee break
WHY IS MEMORY ACTIVISM IMPORTANT? Presenting first results of the Memory Activism Report from Poland
NeDiPa case studies – introduction to PANEL DISCUSSION II
PANEL DISCUSSION II: New Ways of Working with Public Memory - solutions. (Un)likely meetings: memory and community work, arts and research, civic activism and caring for neglected Jewish heritage sites. Funding and empowering civil society
Final remarks

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