Zapomniane Foundation
On April 18, 2023, on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a ceremony was held to commemorate the victims of the ghetto and a little-known mass grave, which was discovered in the recent years (not far away from the two already known mass graves that have been already commemorated)
The ceremony was attended by young people from Warsaw high schools and a group of twenty teachers and educators, as well as memory activists and heritage professionals, community leaders and Jewish Community authorities. The participation of the local community and schoolchildren in the process is an important element in restoring the memory of the Jewish inhabitants of Warsaw, their fate during the war, the history of the Ghetto Uprising and their burial sites. During the event, the participants got acquainted with the war-time history of people who were seeking shelter in the cemetery, the hideouts that were organized there by the war-time cemetery director (including one preserved to this day), memorial sites commemorating the Oneg Shabbat group operating in the Warsaw Ghetto, monument to the Ghetto Fighters and graves of some of them, as well as mass graves of Ghetto victims located in the cemetery.
The NeDiPa - Negotiating Difficult Pasts program is implemented thanks to the support of the European Union as part of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program