Three earths. Artistic intervention marking the Gwarna Jewish cemetery in Wrocław
Difficult Heritage Remembrance Framework
March 16th, 2024 11:00
Meiselsa festival (1st edition)
We cordially invite you to participate in the Meisels Festival, which will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024.
The aim of the Meisels Festival is to popularize knowledge about Dov Ber Meisels (1798-1870) – the chief rabbi of Krakow and later Warsaw, an entrepreneur, politician, advocate for granting full citizenship rights to Jews, and a patriot fervently supporting Polish national liberation aspirations – as well as the integration of the local community.
3.03.2024 11:00
Memory Patterns
On behalf of the FestivALT Association, the House of Utopia - International Center of Empathy, and the Norwid Cultural Center, we cordially invite you to a meeting dedicated to the history of the Nazi labor camp Baulager 15/XIV in Mogila and the actions that the community of Nowa Huta and local institutions can take to commemorate its victims.
Opening of the exhibition "Hideouts. Architecture of Survival" at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt
22.02.2024 14.00 - 17.30
Difficult Heritage & New Ways of Working with Public Memory
19.02.2024 12.00-14.00
Stolpersteine Installation Ceremony in front of the OP ENHEIM House
Discovering the Jewish cemetery in Wrzeszcz & Evaluation meeting
Although the cemetery is picturesquely located on the walking route of the city's inhabitants, there are few material traces to identify it in the field. Our goal is to change this through joint educational, social and creative activities.
1.02.2024 18:30
Digital humanities, much like digital archiving, are increasingly being utilized not only in research on the Holocaust but also on Jewish culture and tradition, as well as Jewish heritage. Digitizing and disseminating collections, providing online tours of museum spaces, or creating atlases and maps available online are not the only practices we are currently witnessing. The latest technologies and interdisciplinary research alliances allow us to recover what has been forgotten and preserve what has been destroyed – influenced by atmospheric factors (weather) and human factors (vandalism).
30.01.2024 & 06.03.2024 & 28.03.2024
Memory Activism and Advocacy
Join us for an enlightening webinar series dedicated to memory activism and advocacy in Poland. Throughout this series, we will delve into the vibrant landscape of memory activism, shedding light on specific initiatives in Upper Silesia and beyond. Our discussions will explore the vital role of memory activists in shaping narratives, preserving heritage, and advocating for social justice.
One of the highlights of the series will be the presentation of the first-ever qualitative report on Memory Activism in Poland. This groundbreaking report offers invaluable insights into the strategies, challenges, and impact of memory activism initiatives across the country. Through in-depth analysis and case studies, we will uncover the diverse approaches employed by activists and examine their effectiveness in promoting remembrance and reconciliation. -
25.01.2024 & 20.02.2024 & 26.03.2024 & 28.03.2024
Memory and Commemoration
Join us for a webinar series dedicated to the theme of Memory and Commemoration. Throughout the series, we will delve into the complex layers of memory construction, exploring how societies commemorate and remember pivotal events, individuals, and cultural heritage. From discussions on memorial practices to the analysis of collective memory frameworks, each session will offer a unique perspective on the role of memory in shaping identity, fostering understanding, and honoring the past. Whether you're a scholar, historian, or simply someone interested in delving into the intricacies of memory, this webinar series promises to be a fascinating journey into the heart of memory studies.
December 14-15, 2023 9:30 - 17:00
Art, activism, memory
28.11.2023 18:30
Multidirectional Theatre?
Stakeholders meeting: lessons learned
The last of the series of Stakeholder Meetings of the NeDiPa project is behind us. We met regularly throughout the duration of the project (in the spring it will be two years since it started!), and over the months, more people joined us: organizations with which we established cooperation and partnerships, memory activists, artists, architects, representatives of local authorities, experts from various fields.
November 8th, 2023 17:30
Raising Awareness Through Arts: Chevra Tehilim
A pivotal consultative meeting will be convened to deliberate on the destiny of the esteemed former Beit Midrash Hevra Tehilim at 18 Meiselsa Street, Krakow. Steeped in history and cultural significance, the Beit Midrash stands as a testament to the vibrant Jewish heritage of the region.
31.10.2023 & 29.02.2024 & 21.03.2024 19.00
Cultures of Memory
Join us for our captivating webinar series dedicated to exploring diverse cultures of memory. Memory culture is rich and complex, encompassing not only how people preserve and transmit their history but also how they interpret and commemorate past events and their significance for contemporary societies.
Through a series of interactive discussions, lectures, and presentations, we will delve into various aspects of memory culture. We will explore diverse practices, from local traditions and commemorations to the creation of memorial sites, and the use of literature, art, and film as tools for conveying history and shaping identity. We will analyze how memory culture influences our communities, our values, and our understanding of the world. -
19.10.2023 19:00
Green Commemorations. Towards new strategies of public commemorations.
How to deal with places of difficult heritage? How to include green spaces in commemorating the Holocaust? How to create open, respectful spaces enabling symbolic dialogue between victims and survivors and research, activist, artistic and local communities? How to consciously use the potential of non-human memory actors in times of the ongoing climate crisis?
19.10.2023 19:00
Green Commemorations
How to deal with places of difficult heritage? How to include green spaces in commemorating the Holocaust? How to create open, respectful spaces enabling symbolic dialogue between victims and survivors and research, activist, artistic and local communities? How to consciously use the potential of non-human memory actors in times of the ongoing climate crisis?
3.10.2023 & 29.02.2024
Social Memory and Civic Engagement
Join us for our webinar series focusing on the themes of social memory and civic engagement. During these interactive sessions, we will discuss various aspects of historical memory and active participation in commemoration and dialogue.
14th of September 2023 15:00
Memory Activism: the report
The study emerged out of the need to address the lack of information about the current status and scope of work of memory activists involved in Jewish heritage initiatives in Poland. This pilot study will allow us to map and estimate the scale of their work, the level of engagement and their motivations as well as good practices, challenges they’re facing and their needs against a backdrop of European activism.
August 19, 2023
MEETING OF STAKEHOLDERS - Będzin, Gliwice, Bytom
As part of networking memory activists and exchanging experiences, we visited Karolina and Piotr Jakoweńko from the Brama Cukermana Foundation in Będzin and met with local stakeholders from Upper Silesia & Dąbrowa Basin.
Będzin, Gliwice, Bytom
6.06.2023 18:30
The Order of Violence. Difficult heritage of Getto Benches in Polish Universities.
The Ghetto Benches (segregated seating in Universities between Jews and Non-Jews) was an institutionalized form of discrimination against the Jewish community inspired by the activities during the interwar period of the right-wing nationalist organizations: All-Poland Youth, Camp of Greater Poland, and the National Radical Camp. In the 1930s, ethno-religious segregation of students of Jewish origin was intensified, for example, by forcing them to take certain seats in lecture halls.
19 April 2023
Series of events accompanying the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Campaign
Stories from the Warsaw Ghetto in a biographical perspective. History, experience, memory - The Holocaust in Warsaw and Breslau/Wrocław. Meadow of daffodils. Information sessions.
18 kwietnia 2023 18:30
Future of the Past. New Technologies in Commemorative Practice
Zapraszamy na wydarzenie online "«Przyszłość Przeszłości». Nowe technologie wobec upamiętnień", które odbędzie się we wtorek 18 kwietnia o godz. 18:30.
📍 Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny. Obowiązuje wcześniejsza rejestracja: https://forms.gle/fEZ6jiWrgVKfqtd8A -
April 18, 2023
Commemorating the Victims of the Warsaw Ghetto - Warsaw, Okopowa
On this day, six remembrance walks, focused on the war-time history of the cemetery and the Ghetto Fighters, were conducted for six different groups. The culminating moment was gathering around the third, unknown grave, marked by us with a simple wooden marker in the form of a matzevah (Jewish tombstone).
27th of March
Evaluation meeting
Internal evaluation meeting of the consortium partners and invited stakeholders.
21 March 2023 18:30
Memory and Halakha (event in Polish)
Zachor (Hebrew for "remember") is used nearly 200 times in the Hebrew Bible, which is the foundation of the Jewish legal system. This was calculated by the historian Yosef Haim Yerushalmi, who in his book "Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory" put forward the thesis that it was the commandment of remembrance that played a key role in the process of preserving identity during the centuries of Jewish dispersion in the Diaspora.
The need for commemoration took on a new meaning after the Holocaust. However, it is not always obvious how to cultivate the memory of the victims in accordance with their tradition and halacha, i.e. Jewish religious law.Online
NeDiPa Multimedia Library
19.02.2023 13.00
Memory and Commemoration - conversational urban walk through Okopowa Jewish Cemetery in Warsaw
January 31st, 2023 17.00
Green commemoration. Postmemory practices
What does working with difficult heritage look like in practice? How are performative monuments created? How do you decolonize places after violence, bring out their post-memory dimension and restore agency to victims?
December 12-13, 2022
STAKEHOLDERS MEETING – Negotiating Difficult Pasts
The meeting with director Marcin Wierzchowski and theater artist Michael Rubenfeld will be hosted by theater critic Jacek Wakar. The conversation will take place as part of the NeDiPa project stakeholder meeting.interesariuszy projektu NeDiPa.
November 16, 2022
Places of Difficult Memory – How to design, how to talk?
November 4, 2022 10:00
Together we will commemorated of seven Jews from Modliborzyce, resting in the place of their forest hideout near the village of Pikule.
Pikule, gm. Janów Lubelski
15-16 October 2022
Green Commemorations. Action through Art
An outdoor event presenting creative and participatory practices of transmitting the memory of places of difficult heritage in green space.
October 12, 2022 10:00 - 18:30
Difficult Heritage. Jewish Breslauers and Other Local Stories, Contexts and Activities
June 28th - July 3rd, 2022
Esther's Willow
Esther's Willow is a public memory project centering a planting of a white willow sapling in the former Esther’s Square, the location of the Great Synagogue of Chrzanów demolished in the 1970s. The artists' years-long process of research, collaboration, and making brought regional and local institutions, contemporary inhabitants, descendants, survivors, and their dead together to
mark, contemplate, mourn, enliven, and honor the square and the generations that surround/ed and fill/ed it.Chrzanów
June 8, 2022
Ceremony commemorating seven men aged about 30 and a woman about 20, Jewish escapees from the Bialystok ghetto
March 23, 2022